Weight Loss Basics - Consistency

So now that you have started on your New Year's resolution to losing weight and taking control of your life, I just want to ask, " Now what?" Getting started is easy, you are totally motivated, on track, feeling strong and have come to terms with the lies that have stopped you in the past. OK, then the next part should be easy right?

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Well it is and it isn't. Inconsistency, impatience and over-thinking it are all waiting to de-rail you.

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Consistency is a word that should become very meaningful to you. Consistency is the reason why I have been successful with my own weight loss and maintenance and the key to your successful weight loss.

It may seem obvious that you would need "consistency" to lose weight. But you might not know exactly what that means.

The first element of consistency is timing. You may not realize that your body has been "trained" by your eating habits as to when to expect food (and what kind), and not necessarily by hunger or need. We are very good at talking ourselves into believing anything that suits us at a given moment. You will need to "re-program" your body by eating your three meals at as close to possible the same time everyday. Yes, this may not be feasible every day, or for every meal, but it is a goal to aim for.

The second element of consistency is portion size. Eating about the same amount every time is invaluable to training your body. You cannot lose weight when you have under-eaten to the point of "losing it" prior to your next meal, and then overeating to the point past satisfaction into fullness.

I want you to think about it like it was exactly that; a prescription from a Doctor. If a Doctor can give you a prescription to follow and you will do so, without question, then employ the same acceptance with your weight loss prescription! You don't change how many pills you take - because the Doctor already told you. You don't think about what time and the amount of times to take your pills because it's written right on the little bottle! You have no problem following that prescription, even if the pills are big or you don't like to take pills, because you understand that's what you have to do to get better. Which is exactly what I want you to do today, follow my prescription for weight loss and don't think it, just lose it!

So your day might look like this: In the morning, it's around 7:00 am. You have a moderately sized breakfast, perhaps a bowl of a high fiber cereal with a hand full of blueberries.

In between breakfast and lunch make sure you have plenty of water as well as herbal teas. Be aware that it is not necessary to eat between breakfast and lunch but if you do, please just let it be a piece of fruit.

Let's move on to lunch. Since you had breakfast around 7:00 you should then be eating lunch around 12:00 or 1:00 at the latest! What you might have is a nice spinach salad with some beans for your protein or some chicken (organic if you can). Try to keep your meals simple and easy to prepare.

Once again there should be 4 to 5 hours between your lunch and dinner. The next period after lunch, and before dinner is usually the most challenging for most of us. You are hungry, you are not home, or your schedule does not permit you to eat dinner yet. Hang in there!

At this moment I don't want you to think about any thing that you may be feeling and I want you to trust the process. If you have a snack it's the same rule as mid-morning - just a small piece of fruit or some veggies - if it's more - it not a snack!!

Much better to ask yourself how you could organize a dinner for yourself by 5:00 or 6:00 pm. I already hear the eyes rolling and the excuses beginning but it is so very important not to wait any longer than the 4 to 5 hours between meals because what will happen is that you will get too hungry if you wait longer and by the time you sit down to eat you may not be able to control your appetite! So please give it a try, even if this means eating at work? Or asking your family to adjust their schedule just a bit. You will be choosing something that is high in fiber and low in fat. Perhaps some asparagus with a piece of fish or chicken. This is your last meal of the day, only one serving and you should try not to eat to fullness, it should feel like you could have definitely eaten more but you are fine, never full. I would like to add that after dinner it may also be challenging when you are accustomed to having a snack or a drink before bed. The first day will be the hardest and then it gets easier, please only have a cup of tea and then go to bed!! You will be happy you did the next morning.

If you follow this prescription, you won't believe the difference it makes.

First of all, you will lose weight because of the consistency factor. Second, you will lose weight because it removes the thinking process that messes you up all the time, the excuses and compromises as to why this time is different, or why you can allow this craving to overcome you.

Trust me, once you get through the first week of consistent eating you will understand how well it works! So remember, don't think it! Just lose it!

Weight Loss Basics - Consistency
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